Swim Blog

Why Swim Lessons Should Be Part of Back To School Plans

August 14, 2024

As the lazy days of summer fade and the back-to-school frenzy begins, we all start juggling schedules, packing lunches, and sharpening pencils. But amidst the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to carve out time for something truly essential: swim lessons! Yes, you heard that right. Even though the beach days might be dwindling, there are countless reasons why your child should continue their aquatic adventures throughout the fall.

Keep Those Skills Sharp: Continued Skill Development and Confidence Building

Just like any other skill, swimming requires practice to maintain and improve. Taking a break from lessons during the school year can lead to a regression in skills and a dip in confidence. By keeping your child enrolled in swim lessons, they’ll continue to build on their foundation, refine their strokes, and become stronger and more confident swimmers.

And remember, swim lessons aren’t just for beginners! Even seasoned swimmers can benefit from ongoing instruction to perfect their technique, learn new strokes, and explore advanced water safety skills. After all, water safety is a year-round concern, not just a summer necessity.

Fit for School: Physical Fitness and Healthy Habits

We all know the importance of keeping kids active and healthy, especially during the school year when they’re spending more time sitting at desks and staring at screens. Swimming is a fantastic way to combat the sedentary lifestyle and ensure your child stays in tip-top shape.

As a full-body workout, swimming engages every major muscle group, improving cardiovascular health, building strength, and boosting endurance. It’s also a low-impact activity, making it gentle on joints and suitable for children of all fitness levels.

But the benefits go beyond just physical fitness. Regular exercise, like swimming, has been shown to improve focus, concentration, and overall well-being. This can translate to better performance in the classroom and a more positive attitude towards learning. So, let those little swimmers splash their way to success!

Stress-Busting Bubbles: Mental Well-being Matters

Let’s be honest, going back to school can be stressful for kids (and parents!). The pressure of academics, social dynamics, and new routines can take a toll on their mental health. Swimming provides a much-needed outlet for stress relief and relaxation.

The rhythmic movements, soothing sound of water, and sense of weightlessness can create a calming and therapeutic experience. It’s a chance for kids to unwind, release tension, and clear their minds after a busy day at school. And who knows, they might even discover a new passion or talent in the process!

Poolside Pals: Socialization and Friendship Building

Swim lessons are more than just skill-building; they’re also a fantastic opportunity for your child to socialize and make new friends. The pool becomes a place where kids can interact, laugh, and support each other as they learn and grow together.

Strong social skills and positive peer interactions are crucial for a child’s development. Swim lessons provide a safe and encouraging environment for kids to build these connections and create lasting friendships. Plus, many swim schools offer additional opportunities for socialization, such as swim teams or clubs, further fostering teamwork and a sense of belonging.

Unplug and Splash: A Break from Routine and Screen Time

Between homework, after-school activities, and the ever-present lure of screens, it can be challenging to find time for unstructured play and physical activity during the school year. Swim lessons offer a welcome break from the daily grind and a chance for kids to unplug, get active, and simply have fun.


Swimming encourages kids to move their bodies, engage their senses, and experience the joy of being in the water. It’s a healthy and refreshing alternative to screen-based activities and can even lead to improved sleep patterns and overall well-being.

Don’t Let Summer Fun Fade Away!

As the back-to-school season approaches, don’t let the pool toys gather dust in the garage! Continue your child’s swim journey with fall lessons at The Swim Advantage in Orland Park. Our expert instructors will ensure they keep building skills, boost their confidence, and enjoy all the amazing benefits swimming has to offer. So, let’s make a splash this fall and set our kids up for success, both in and out of the pool!