Swim Blog

Toddler Pool Time: 5 Games to Make a Splash

August 6, 2024
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Get ready to turn your pool into a toddler-approved water wonderland! We know toddlers have endless energy and an insatiable curiosity, especially when it comes to water. So, let’s ditch the boredom and crank up the fun with five splish-tastic games that will have your little one giggling, splashing, and (bonus!) maybe even tiring them out a bit.

The Great Bubble Escape

Toddlers love bubbles! Blow a bunch into the pool and let them chase, pop, and squeal with delight. It’s a simple yet endlessly entertaining game that also helps them practice breath control and coordination. Plus, the giggles are contagious!

Ring Around the Rosie (with Floaties!)

Gather your little ones in a circle (with their trusty floaties, of course), hold hands, and sing the classic “Ring Around the Rosie” song. When you get to “We all fall down,” everyone gently falls back into the water (with your support, of course). It’s a silly and fun way to introduce the concept of floating and getting comfortable in the water.

Noodle Jousting

Who needs horses and armor when you have pool noodles? Let your little knights grab a noodle and gently “joust” with each other in the shallow end. It’s a safe and hilarious way to burn off energy and practice balance. Just be sure to supervise closely to avoid any bonks or boo-boos.

Treasure Hunt Under the Sea

Scatter some colorful diving toys or sinking rings at the bottom of the pool and let the treasure hunt begin! Your little pirates will love exploring the underwater world and collecting their loot. This game encourages diving skills, hand-eye coordination, and (most importantly) a sense of adventure!

Red Light, Green Light (Water Edition)

This classic game gets a watery twist! Stand at one end of the pool and call out “green light” for your little ones to swim or splash towards you. When you yell “red light,” they have to freeze in place. The first one to reach you wins! This game is great for practicing listening skills, following directions, and, of course, having a blast.

Make a Splash and Learn to Swim!

Remember, these games are not only fun but also a great way to introduce your toddler to the water and build their confidence. If you’re looking for a more structured learning environment to help your little one develop their swimming skills, check out the toddler swim lessons at The Swim Advantage in Orland Park! Our experienced instructors create a safe and playful atmosphere where toddlers can learn essential water safety skills and build a lifelong love of swimming.